65 year-old Khursheed Ahmed is a widower, and father of four disabled children. Khursheed used to be a driver, but after his wife passed away, he’s had to stay at home to care for his children.

Khursheed's family consists of his 34 year-old son Muhammad Sadiq; 32 year-old daughter Sajid Bibi; 30 year-old sone Muhammad Salim; and 26 year-old son Muhammad Nadeem. They live in a small (four marla) home in Lahore, Pakistan. Caring for four disabled adults on his own, is not only difficult at Khursheed’s age, it also doesn’t allow him to work. With no regular income, the family is destitute. Khursheed doesn’t like to beg, but often he’s forced to rely on the kindness of neighbours and local philanthropists.

None of Khursheed’s children have wheel chairs. Muhammad Sadiq and Sajid Bibi are affected the worst by this. Unable to stand, both have been homebound for many years, and are forced to sit or lie in bed.

AMWT supplied Khursheed’s family with Qurbani meat this year. We continue to provide them with food aid and financial assistance where possible. But they are in desperate need on going support. If you can help, please contact us or donate to AMWT today.



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